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维登 / 柏林国立博物馆美术馆




原图尺寸:4400×6550像素(300 DPI)

文件大小:38.01 MB

下载格式: .png


作品别名:Portrait of a Woman

作品作者:维登(Rogier van der Weyden)


原作尺寸:47 × 32厘米




高清大图局部细节 / DETAILS

维登油画作品《戴头巾的年轻女子肖像》高清大图局部 (1)
维登油画作品《戴头巾的年轻女子肖像》高清大图局部 (2)
维登油画作品《戴头巾的年轻女子肖像》高清大图局部 (3)



  这幅小画中的模特身穿一件宽大的白色亨宁衫,外面套着一件棕色连衣裙,连衣裙的 V 形领口带有黑色线条。与罗吉尔·凡·德尔·维登的女性肖像画中常见的情形一样,她的双手紧握,祈祷着,表情通常很谦卑。与凡·德·维登的画作不同,她没有低头或凝视中间距离。相反,她直视观众,在模特、观众和艺术家之间建立了一种亲密的关系,艺术史学家兼研究策展人洛恩·坎贝尔 (Lorne Campbell) 将其描述为“有吸引力且充满活力”。



Portrait of a Young Woman(orLady Wearing a Gauze Headdress) is a painting completed between 1435–1440 by theNetherlandishartistRogier van der Weyden.

The sitter in this small work wears a wide, whitehenninover a brown dress, which features a black-lined, v-shaped neckline. As is usual of van der Weyden's female portraits, her hands are clasped tightly in prayer, while her expression is generally humble. Unusually for a van der Weyden', she does not bow her head or gaze into the middle distance. Instead she looks directly at the viewer, creating an intimate relationship between sitter, viewer and artist,which art historian and research curator Lorne Campbell describes as "appealing and vibrant".

The sitter has unusually bright, large and attractive blue eyes; their rendering may be considered outside of contemporary representation in that the artist did not reduce the size of the sitter's left eye to reflect the scale of her turn of head to the viewer's left. She is lit from a source above the canvas to the viewer's right, which sets up the falling light used to contrast the vivid white of her veil and flesh against the dark tones of her dress and volume of her head.

The painting is composed through a mix of horizontal and vertical lines. The verticals of her head-dress blend into the lines of her shoulders and chest, while the horizontal folds of the veil are set against the line formed by her upper and lower lips. Given the individuality of her features, Rogier was obviously working from a life study of an actual person. Yet there are elements of abstraction in the image.The model is likely a member of the middle class, given her relatively plain dress, matronly features and accentuated breasts.It is widely believed that she was modeled on the artist's wife,Elisabeth Goffaert, though this has not been proven.The portrait is similar to other female portraits by Rogier andRobert Campin. In fact, the similarity between Rogier's and Campin's female portraits is so strong that they were sometimes mis-attributed.


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